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Spiritual journey: lessons you should know

#Spiritual journey #spirituality

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Focus on your breathing, and set aside your thoughts. Were you able to do it without your mind wandering off every other minute? No, right? There is a misconception that the journey to spiritual awakening is easy and can be achieved in a short period. However, that is not the case. Spirituality requires a lot of self-reflection, acceptance, and healing. Our minds are designed to give a flight or fight response whenever we try to do something beyond our comfort zone. No person can deny the fact that we find comfort in our pain and sadness, because that is what we have grown accustomed to.

The concept of spirituality is broad and filled with intricate connections between the mind, body, and soul. Every individual who is on a spiritual journey will give you his/her perspective and definition of what spirituality actually is. For some, it can be a connection with themselves, nature, or a higher being, while for others it may be their relationship with God. The meaning of spirituality can differ from person to person. Nevertheless, spirituality is sacred and transcends beyond worldly experiences and needs.

Spirituality is a personal journey. There is no right way to begin, you will figure things out along the way. Just like how no two individuals are the same, their spiritual journeys will also differ in many ways. People find solace in connecting with their spirituality. Studies have shown that people who are in tune with their spirituality cope with life’s stresses better than those who don’t.

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5 Spiritual lessons that you should learn

1. Being present

The world is always bustling with energy and life. It will always be unpredictable. Overstimulation can make it seem like your mind and body are in a chaotic state. Here, being present can help you slow down and own that moment. Taking deep breaths while being surrounded by things that overwhelm you, can help you calm down and assess the present moment. It’ll help you be more aware and then you can begin to move forward.

Fear of the future or the past can cause you to inflict emotional or physical pain on yourself. Learning to be present and claiming where your life is at that moment is a small step in self-healing, but one that does make a big difference in the long run.

2. No one can pour from an empty cup

Neglecting your emotional state will cause more harm than good. Everyone needs to understand that you cannot pour from an empty cup. Your energy will continue to deplete in that process. Listen to your mind, soul, and body, it’ll let you know what it needs. Wanting to do good for others will become a chore unless you learn to do good for yourself. Acknowledge that your feelings are valid and you as a person require the love and effort you show to others.

However, you need to learn to love yourself first. You need to be there for yourself first, only then you’ll be able to leave a positive impact on other people’s spiritual journeys.

3. Creating boundaries

It’s okay to have different needs and desires. There is no need for you to mold yourself to fit into anyone’s perception of how you should be. You can be a good person without having to cater to the expectations of people. It’s not worth having all your spiritual energy depleted doing things for people who are not devoted to their path. You are allowed to leave people and places that feel unsafe.

There is a thin line between wanting to love every being, unconditionally and creating energetic boundaries. Know that you aren’t a bad person for wanting people in your life who are spiritually devoted, do not deplete your energy, and reciprocate the care and affection you give. Anything less than that doesn’t have a place in your spiritual journey.

Read More: Spiritual

4. Being happy is not the only sign of progress

Progress in your spiritual journey will be filled with ups and downs. There is no need to be indifferent toward the negative emotions you feel. Being joyful and happy forcefully will only prove to be an obstacle in your path. Accepting your negative emotions instead of ignoring or hiding them is progress too. The majority of people tend to hide what they are actually feeling.

They tend to hide their emotions behind happiness which is often forceful. Let happiness, pain, hurt, gratification, etc., flow naturally. Acknowledge what you are feeling instead of masking it. You don’t have to do it for others. The spiritual growth you achieve is for you and you only. Healing comes from within, but it’ll come only when you learn to accept your emotions and feelings as they are. Know that everyone has bad days and good days too, and you’re not alone in this journey of healing.

5. Healing has different paths

Don’t bind yourself to only one form of healing. Allow yourself to welcome the lessons that are trying to find you. Immersing yourself in the spectrum of healing will allow your mind, body, soul, and energy to find the form of healing that suits you best. As the saying goes, “there is no one road to success”, the same applies to healing and growing spiritually too. You can always follow certain teachers or Gurus, whose path and teachings you resonate with. However, your path to healing and spirituality will differ from theirs in many aspects. Take the lessons they teach to heart and find the path of healing that your soul needs.


Is the path to spirituality hard?

It can be tough for some, but the end results are something to look forward to.

How long does a spiritual journey take?

The time period can vary from person to person.

Is Yoga a part of spirituality?

Yes, it is deeply related to spirituality.

Does a person have to meditate during his spiritual journey?

Yes, meditation is one of the core forms of healing, an and important part of the spiritual journey.

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